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Dear visitors,

there is an updated new edition of my book Heilung durch Liebe in bookstores. An English translation of the book is now also available, called Healing through Love.

In addition, there is a new book from me: It is called Kleines Buch über Meditation and summarizes the essentials on this subject. At the same time, it is also an easy introduction for all those who would like to learn to meditate themselves. There is also an English translation of this book called  Little book about meditation. In addition, a Bulgarian translation of the book has also been published! It is called Malka kniga sa meditazijata.

All the mentioned books are available in different editions, hardcover, softcover and e-book. The German and English editions of the book on meditation and the English edition of the book on healing are also available in large print for visually impaired readers.

If you are interested in one of my books, I would be pleased if you would order it through the online store of my publishing house. Of course, you can also get all my books in all other major online stores, as well as in regular bookstores in over 60 countries.

Also, I'm available again for one-on-one work upon request, so if you're interested, drop me a line. So much for the news.

I wish you continued good health and much joy in life!

Best regards,



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